Monday, January 18, 2010


These two lil dudes right here are my lil YG's. When I first heard about Slumdog Millionaire alot of people came up to me telling me that I wudd luv the movie. I didnt see it until it came out on DVD and they were right. Slumdog Millionaire has to be like one of my top 5 favorite movies. I am a mix between Salim and Jamal. Like I have the hustler spirit they both have but I can be cut throat and ruthless like Salim, and at the same time I can be nice and loving like Jamal. At this present time I am more Salim, but around Valentines day I'll be Jamal. The only difference between me and them is, I aint lookin for no Latika. She will appear one day just not now.

"You the Slumdog and Im the Millionaire"