Thursday, August 20, 2009

Minutes in Time

Ever have those time where oyu go into deep thought and everything around oyu goes black and then a random spotlight jus appears from out of the blue. Theres No music no noise at all there is nothing, just pure silence. Well I have those moments prolly like 8 times a day or more and I just think. Like I look at the past in my life and review it like I could have done that better and did this better, and make sure I dont make the same mistakes again because if I do I feel like I have failed at life. I know no one is perfect but I just have my goals where you made the mistake once dont make it again. I think about the future alot, they say tommorrow is never promised so live for today, my thing is live for today plan for tomorrow. I live everyday like its my last, but I try do right everyday because the truth is we are all gonna die one day and lets just say you were a good person all your life and then one day you decide to be bad one day just make the worst of decisions how will that look when you die its kinda you wasted your whole life in that one day. So everyone who has ever did me wrong in my life I have forgiven them when I think that was the hardest part for me to do.

When people see you they remeber all the stuff you used to do and how you use to act and they still look at you in the light of the same person you were when you left them, problem I am an organism we are meant to grow and evolve, and I am still the same dude and always have been from Kindergarten on up till now, but I at this point where I find it best to stay quiet, and put work in.

When those minutes in my present time happen to pause for a while I think, which is the reason why I am so different and always have been and always ahead of my peers, what I have planned before I die is not an easy task at hand, its prolly the hardest thing anyone on Earth can even try to set as a goal, but God knows what hes using me for, so sleep on my now because one day the bed your sleeping on will provided by me.