Friday, January 29, 2010


In College and being out in the world there are alot of people who are still hesitant to always tell the truth so they dont. Alot of people feel that its not nice to be completely REAL and I begg to differ I feel like there is always a way to be as REAL as possible you just have to go about doing it. I feel like alot of people dont understand becuase I am real. I mean dont get me wrong being real can come off ass a jerk or arrogant or ignorant but there is always a way of doing it. I try hard to teach those around me by being an example. If I just talked about anyone in a negative way I will let them know myself. I feel its the only way for people to understand what being REAL is. So on that note I am going to continue to do what I do, but people if you are reading this post just be honest and not lie or talk behind peoples backs and dont try and hang out with the "popular kids" to feel kool. Just be yourself. Its REAL.